Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It's About Time!

Well, it is about time..... about time for a lot of things. Time for soccer, for homework, for happiness, for making memories, and for recording them. Hence, the blog. I have read many a blogs, and have decided to begin recording the happy, the sad, the good, and the down right hilarious, all of which happen a whole lot when you have my kids.
It is about time for a lot of things.....hmm..... it really is. Time to step it up, to make the difference, to be a doer, not just a dreamer. To live the B's, live what I believe, to be the person who I want to be, the person I dream of being. No excuses, no time for that. To not hold back any more, for any past reasons or failures, no excuses, no grudges or fear. It is about time to live, in faith without fear. Now is where I now live. My goals and dreams are my guides, my faith, is my compass, but now, now where the rubber meets the road, is really where we live. It is where time is. It's about time.